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First, the bad news: statistics from Mental Health America show that over 43 million Americans have a mental health condition.

One in five adults are affected and mental health problems in young people are worsening each year.

While there are now more services available, many Americans still lack access to care, meaning that fifty six percent of adults do not or did not receive treatment for their mental health.

Clearly, these are alarming statistics; and it is proving difficult to change them, given the shortage of providers to meet the increased need in the population.

High demand and low supply mean that natural remedies and support are proving more and more popular.

Essential Oils can naturally support moods, emotions, and mental health, and are being clinically studied and recognized by many universities and medical institutions in the United States and around the world for their efficacy and value in the health field.

We can all feel moody, sad, or low from time to time, but when these feelings are experienced intensely and for long periods of time (weeks, months, or even years), this can have a serious impact on both physical and mental health.

A persistent low mood can be attributed to a specific cause or series of events, but sometimes there is no apparent reason for it. It is important to realize, however, that we are talking about something that is more than just a low mood: it is a constant state of sadness and loss of interest that affects thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Poor mental health can affect men, women, children, and teenagers. It can happen to women following the birth of a child. Some people may have a genetic predisposition which can be triggered by an intensely stressful situation; for others, a reaction to a distressing or traumatic event or series of events can create such a condition.

It is advisable to see a health professional if you, or someone you know, has three or more of these symptoms:

• A persistent feeling of sadness.

• A loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities.

• A significant change in sleep patterns.

• A change in appetite or weight.

The most important thing to remember is that there is hope.


As you or your loved ones seek to fight this battle in various ways, Essential Oils can be one of the weapons you use to win the victory over the darkness.

There are many Essential Oils that can help to support those experiencing persistent low mood. Uplifting, elevating, and invigorating citrus Essential Oils can support low energy, disinterest, and low motivation and concentration. Calming and relaxing Essential Oils can be helpful for sleep, agitation, worry, and stress.

And we will discuss each of these categories of Essential Oils.

Although Essential Oils in general provide both physical and emotional benefits, the Emotional Aromatherapy System and Mood Management System can be particularly helpful for those with mental health issues, as they incorporate a mix of uplifting and elevating blends together with oils that have calming and soothing effects.